Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Javier's Log #1: Jolt Garble-Garble

Welcome, for this first installment, I'd like to go walking through memory lane and have a tree hit my skull, leaving me with some form of memory lose.

Not long ago, I was running my own newspaper, the Jolt Garble-Garble. The name came from a fake gun company me snd my friend, 'Dr' Fun* made up to go along with a satire experiment. With made up diseases we wowed the crowd, the good dcotor's speedy voice and heavy presence made them begin to trust us. Then with my modest run through of the diseases we sold them, much like most of the past, my mind isn't able to recall what we were arguing, but I do remember bringing up trenchfoot fever and how to check for it. Yet that really means I could have been talking anything.

Though it was a failure, it was a joy to do. Most articles were censored and topics were interesting, but sadly, one of our boneheaded writers decided to write about....now that I think about I forget what the writer wrote about to ruin us. It was something like the misunderstooding of the dope culture, or how vegetables should be dealt with in combat. I actually remembr very little, perhaps I wrote the bastard article that got the paper ruined. Perhaps it was the fact that we ran over our budget and never looked back, or that we started writing articles seven years in advance. Yet, it doesn't matter now because the Garble is gone and with it an era or at least a few mintues, maybe a year of gold.
The Jolt Garble-Gatble, 2012-2013, died of natural causes brought on by terrible writing and lack of material.

*Out of respect for the man, I will not write his first name, nor will I refer to him as anything, but 'Dr' Fun or the good doctor*

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